Our vision is to be the world's leading hub for advancing sustainability research and innovation for a sustainable earth.

Our mission is to accelerate the impact of sustainability research across our global society by increasing the accessibility and openness of cutting-edge knowledge. Doing so will encourage researchers and inspire the next generation of sustainability professionals.

Aim & Scope

  • Renewable energy technologies and policies.
  • Energy efficiency and conservation.
  • Decarbonization strategies for energy systems.
  • Integration of energy storage and smart grids.
  • Sustainable transportation systems.
  • Energy access and affordability in developing countries.
  • Climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation.
  • Sustainable land use and water resource management.
  • Sustainable waste management and circular economy practices.
  • Environmental justice and human rights in sustainability.
  • Sustainable agriculture and agroecology practices.
  • Food systems, supply chains, and climate-smart agriculture.
  • Food waste reduction and sustainable seafood management.
  • Plant-based and alternative protein sources for sustainability.
  • Soil health and nutrient management for sustainable agriculture.
  • Food and nutrition security in developing countries.
  • Impact of agriculture on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem health.
  • Sustainable food packaging and waste reduction strategies.
  • Sustainable finance and investment.
  • Sustainable business practices and corporate social responsibility.
  • Green job creation and workforce development.
  • Economic modeling and analysis of sustainable development policies.
  • The role of public-private partnerships in sustainability.
  • The social and economic impacts of sustainability policies and practices.
  • Social justice and equity in sustainable development.Gender equality and empowerment in sustainability.
  • Indigenous knowledge and perspectives on sustainability.
  • Human rights and sustainability.
  • Inclusive and participatory approaches to sustainable development.
  • Addressing inequalities and vulnerabilities in sustainability planning and policy.
  • Sustainability education in schools and universities.
  • Pedagogical approaches to teaching sustainability.
  • Experiential and place-based learning in sustainability.
  • Sustainability literacy and public education.
  • Professional development and training for sustainability practitioners.
  • Science communication and public engagement in sustainability issues.

Our Objectives

Our Ethos

Our Ethos promotes the culture of sustainability within the research community. We encourage collaboration between a range of researchers and teams to offer quality and valuable information to our community and the public.

Specifically, SustainE:

"SustainE Journal purports to advance scientific understanding of environmental preservation and contribute to a more equitable and just global society."

Dr. Jason McSparren


Our values at SustainE

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Publish your original research in our journal for high visibility and impact.