Editorial Policies

A committed family of professionals.

At SustainE, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical publishing practices to ensure the intellectual integrity and authenticity of the research we publish. Our authors are expected to familiarize themselves with the following ethical publishing policies before submitting their papers for consideration:

Ethics in Publishing:

All authors are expected to present original and authentic papers, and when they use previously published works, they should cite and quote them appropriately. Authors should not submit a previously published paper or submit their paper to more than one primary publication site or Journal. Authors are also required to provide information on any personal or financial relationships with other organizations or persons that could result in a conflict of interests. Inclusive language is also expected in all submissions, and authors should submit an author statement file that outlines their contributions to the paper using the relevant CRediT roles for transparency.


At SustainE, we believe in transparent and responsible authorship. All authors must have made significant contributions to the research and must agree to be listed as authors. In addition, all authors must agree to the content of the paper and approve its submission for publication.


Authors are required to acknowledge all sources of support for their research, including funding agencies and individuals who provided technical assistance or other support. Any conflict of interest or potential bias must also be disclosed.

Competing interests:

All authors must disclose any competing interests that might influence the interpretation of their research. Competing interests include financial, personal, or institutional interests that might be perceived to affect the research.


Authors must respect the confidentiality of their research subjects and any confidential data. They must also respect any confidentiality agreements they have signed with funders, employers, or others.

Corrections, Retractions, and Matters Arising:

In the event that errors are found in a published paper, we will issue a correction or retraction as appropriate. We also welcome matters arising that draw attention to previously unreported errors or issues.

Ethics and Biosecurity:

All research involving human subjects or animals must have been conducted in compliance with relevant ethical guidelines and regulations. Authors must provide evidence that such approval was obtained.

Image Integrity and Standards:

Authors must ensure that all images and data are genuine and accurate, and any manipulation or alteration must be disclosed. All images must meet our standards for clarity and resolution.

Peer Review:

All papers submitted to SustainE will be subject to rigorous peer review by independent experts in the field. Authors are encouraged to suggest potential reviewers but are not guaranteed that these individuals will be selected.

Plagiarism and Duplicate Publication:

Authors must ensure that their research is original and not plagiarized. Papers must not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Preprints and Conference Proceedings:

Posting preprints of research on preprint servers or presenting research at conferences does not preclude submission to SustainE. However, authors must disclose any prior postings or presentations of their research.

Press and Embargo Policies:

We have policies regarding the timing of publication and release of information to the press. Authors must abide by these policies and should not release information about their research to the media before the paper has been published.

Reporting Standards and Availability of Data, Materials, Code, and Protocols:

Authors must provide all necessary data, materials, code, and protocols to enable other researchers to replicate and build on their research. Authors must also adhere to appropriate reporting standards and follow established reporting guidelines.

Self-Archiving and License to Publish:

Authors may self-archive their papers after publication, subject to certain conditions. Authors must also grant us a license to publish their paper, which includes the right to distribute and make their research available online.

Clinical Research:

All clinical research must have been conducted in compliance with relevant guidelines and regulations, including obtaining appropriate ethical approval. All papers reporting clinical research must comply with relevant reporting guidelines, such as the CONSORT guidelines for randomized controlled trials.

Submission Declaration and Verification:

By submitting a paper, the author declares that the work presented for publication has not been previously submitted to other sites or journals for publication. Once the paper has been accepted, the author is not allowed to submit the work on any other platform or Journal in the same form without the official consent and permission of the copyright holder. The paper may also be checked by the originality detection service Crossref Similarity Check for originality verification.


Authors must complete a ‘Journal Publishing Agreement’ once their papers and articles have been accepted. The publisher’s permission is required for the resale and distribution of the articles and papers. Authors must also obtain permission from relevant copyright owners to use or cite their works.

We take our ethical publishing policies seriously, and we expect our authors to do the same. We reserve the right to decline publication of any paper that violates these policies or is otherwise found to have serious problems with the scientific content. Thank you for your cooperation in upholding the highest standards of scientific integrity and ethics.