
for Reviewers.

The Journal offers a transparent peer review model, whereby the identity of the authors is known to the reviewer. Reviewers are also encouraged to share their identities with authors through the reviewer report.
The Journal seeks to have a review system that is based on objective criteria for the validity and quality of the work presented. At the same time, it should be rigorous, fair, constructive, accountable, and transparent for everyone involved. As such, peer reviews should be efficient. As part of the process, the Journal utilizes a collaborative review forum that unites authors, reviewers, and handling Editors online and brings the highest quality service to all participants of the review process. All submissions, including those that are part of Special issues, undergo the same rigorous review process.
The Journal employs collaborative review forums that unit reviewers and authors and brings the highest quality service to all participants of the review process. All submissions, including those that are part of special issues, undergo the same rigorous review process.
The Journal upholds strict quality standards for the articles and papers and the peer-review process through clear criteria and a dedicated Editorial team

The Purpose of Peer Review

Peer review is a critical part of scholarly publications as it ensures that published research is sound, credible, authentic and improves the quality of the research. Reviewers for SustainE are selected based on their expertise and knowledge of their respective fields. The journal utilizes a single-blind model during the review process. As such, the reviewers know who the author is in order to provide a complete assessment within the context of their research and ensure they avoid any potential competing interests in accepting a review invitation.
Our journal promotes transparency and ensures no discrimination during the peer review process. Upon publication, we disclose the names of all endorsing reviewers for every article we publish.

Before agreeing to review

Our reviewers are encouraged to submit their comments within a month of accepting the invitation to review a paper. Extensions can be granted in extreme cases. On occasions where the reviewer does not have time to review the paper, they shall inform the editorial office and may or may not offer suggestions for alternative reviewers.
The reviewer’s responsibility is to offer critical and constructive judgment of a manuscript’s content. Conflicts of interests may arise due to factors such as: 

Reviewing a paper

The reviewer shall remain objective in their critical appraisal. The comments shall be professional and courteous and help the author improve their paper and present their research clearly and concisely. In case of any issues regarding authenticity and originality, the reviewer shall inform the editorial office.

Structuring Your Review

The review shall inform the editor’s decision on whether or not to publish the article. As such, the reviewer’s overall observation and opinion on the paper are pertinent and fundamental. The comments shall be courteous and constructive and provide insight into any deficiencies.

The reviewer shall consider the categories the editor will likely use for classifying the article when making recommendations:

The editor has the final decision to accept or reject the article. SustainE does not take part in this decision.

After you Review

After the review, the reviewer shall utilize the SustainE platform to ensure they receive credit and recognition for their work by being published on the article. The reviewer’s name shall not be included in the manuscript if they recommend that the manuscript should be rejected.

All articles and data utilized in the review process shall be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Finally, we appreciate you sincerely on behalf of the SustainE community for the time you have taken to give your valuable input to the article.

Submitting your Report

Please submit your report through the SustainE Journal online submission system. If you need any help, contact the editorial office.