Publishing Fees

Access Charges

Publication Fee Waiver

As part of our mission to amplify diverse voices and foster a broader understanding of sustainability, we are waiving our publication fees until December 2024. That’s right! If you are a scholar, researcher, professional, or an enthusiastic learner with a passion for sustainability, here is your chance to contribute to this global discourse. You can now submit your groundbreaking research, innovative ideas, and impactful stories to our SustainE Journal for absolutely no charge.

The SustainE Journal is devoted to publishing cutting-edge research, engaging insights, and thoughtful commentaries on sustainability. We focus on creating an inclusive platform for all perspectives that strive towards a sustainable future. By waiving our publication fees, we aim to make the path to sharing knowledge smoother and more accessible.

Our call is to you – the researchers, the academics, the industry professionals, and the avid learners. This is your platform. It’s your chance to contribute to the critical conversations shaping our future. Submit your work, see it published, and participate in the global sustainability dialogue. All at no cost.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Our Open Access model provides free and rapid online access to scholarly literature for reading, distribution, and reuse. SustainE balances out all costs relating to our high-quality publishing service through Article Processing Charges (APCs). The fees are subject to change and are charged upon submission of research for publishing. The article processing charges range between US$ 1000 to US$ 2000 per article.  After thorough peer review, the journal charges a publishing fee to authors, funders, or institutions for articles accepted for publication by our editors. 

Gold Articles: Original Research, Hypothesis and Theory, Methods, Policy and Practice Reviews, Review, Systematic Review, Study Protocol, Technology and Code, Registered Report, Clinical Trial

Silver: Mini Review, Articles, Brief Research Report, Case Report, Community Case Study, Conceptual Analysis, Curriculum Instruction and Pedagogy, Perspective, Policy Brief.

Bronze Articles: Opinion and General Commentary.

Article Type

$ 2000 Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Article Processing Charges (APCs) payment

The journal issues a pro forma on submitting your manuscript for complete transparency regarding APCs during the review process. A final invoice shall be issued only after your article has been accepted for publication. The charges are payable within four weeks of the final invoice date.

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Whom to contact

In case of any query, please contact Seth, He would be more than glad to help you.


Students receives 90% off
their first published article.